Standards-based Practices


The Southwestern Union K-12 Educational System is beginning the process of transitioning to standards-based practices. As noted below, this transition will be phased in over the next four years, beginning in the 2020-21 school year.  

Purpose:  Standards-based refers to integrated systems of instruction, assessment, grading, and reporting that are based on students demonstrating understanding or proficiency of the knowledge and skills they are expected to learn as they progress through their education.  This concept aligns with the EDUCATION by Design Framework that emphasizes coherence among the key components of teaching and learning, leading to a shared vision.   

Plan: Four-year Standards-based Implementation Plan 

Year One:  Curriculum Development, Communication, and  Professional Development
Year Two:   Further Capacity Building through Professional Development
Year Three:   Implementation
Year Four:   Continuation and Support

 Practice:   Standards-based Curriculum Processes 

Prioritize Standards
Unpack Standards to Create Learning Targets
Organize Targets into Proficiency Scales (P-Scales)
Group Standards into Units (Year-long  Context)
Plan Instruction
Plan for Assessment
Determine Grading, Feedback, and Reporting  Practices
Communicate with Stakeholders
Apply to Exceptional Learners

Product:  Standards-based practices will provide a set of outcomes/metrics that will enable the measurement of the vision components of the EDUCATION by Design Framework.  These outcomes include the areas of curriculum, instruction, assessment, and learning environment.